Be Smart and Skinny
You hate to be fat and tired? All right. If you can not bear any autodetestare day, you're ready to lose weight. It's that simple. In both we have been brainwashed with manic diets, magazine articles and advertisements, that I forgot how to think for ourselves.
Body type "skinny bitch" reveals the truth about food so that you can make smart decisions and educated for your own person. This knowledge will empower you to have a figure of "skinny bitch".
Very well. Use your mind. You must become healthy if you want to lose weight. The first thing you need to do is give up your vice principal. Do not look surprised!
You can not continue to eat the same shit and expect to lose weight. Or smoke. So: do not even try some pathetic excuse like, but "If I quit smoking, I gain weight." Nobody wants to hear.
Cigarettes are for losers. There are so outdated and totally unpleasant. Not only give you head over all body chemistry, but all taste buds and kill you. No wonder that eat rubbish and garbage. Smoking should be excluded. Quit it.
Fat and bloated
Alcohol is not good at anything. Increases production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, having a disastrous effect on digestion. If you suffer from digestive disorders, the food will go right through your body. To make matters worse, I must say that some types of alcohol (wine and inorganic) still contain urethane, a chemical that causes cancer.
Both beer and alcohol raises your blood sugar level, which is harmful to your body. And do not deceive ourselves: when you have a state of hangover, you're forced to eat crap all day. Only red wine without sulfites organic product is good for you, but one should not drink a bottle every day!
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