Acer TravelMate 7740ZG download driver for Bluetooth 3.0

Acer TravelMate 7740ZG download driver available for :

Windows 7 , windows XP for 32 bits and 64 bits


Before download and install this driver we recommend to install first DirectX here.

And this software to detect parts from your ACER Notebook / Laptop, well is you already know this things you cand download your driver from here now and choose from right side of page your operating system first and after you pick one it !

Bluetooth Driver for Acer TravelMate 7740ZG

This driver is not hosted on our website and we are NOT responsable if not working or is corupted, we are responsable only if the link for download is not working or is broken. 

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Bluetooth 3.0 and 2.0 driver is for bluetooth devices, you can connect to the phones or other gadgets

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