Daily administration of antiretrovirals reduce the risk of HIV infection
Daily administration of antiretrovirals reduce the risk of HIV infection
A single antiretroviral pill daily may reduce by two thirds the risk of HIV infection in heterosexual people, according to findings of two studies conducted in Africa.
Michel Sidibé, executive director of UNAIDS, welcomed immediately that "major scientific discovery that reconfimă role that antiretroviral therapy should play in the fight against AIDS."
The two studies - one conducted by the University of Washington and the other, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta - were conducted in Botswana, Kenya and Uganda.
TFD2 study, conducted by CDC Atlanta, monitored 1219 women and heterosexual men in Botswana, uninfected, who received either a pill for tenofovir / emtricitabine daily or a placebo. The pill has decreased by 63% the risk of HIV infection, compared with the placebo group.
The study by University of Washington Partners PrEP, monitored serodiscordant heterosexual couples 4758 (only one couple was infected partners) in Kenya and Uganda. Uninfected individuals receiving either tenofovir or a combination of tenofovir and emtricitabine or a placebo.
In the first case, the risk of infection was reduced by 62% compared with the group receiving placebo and in the second case, the risk dropped by 73%.
Atlanta CDC study to be published in Rome next week at a conference on research in AIDS, but his release was brought forward due to unexpected study published by University of Washington.
A previous study conducted in serodiscordant male couples, published in November 2010 showed a 44% reduction in risk of HIV infection in individuals receiving a combination of tenofovir and emtricitabine.
Scientists may not know but if prevention work and for heterosexual couples. Another study, FEM-Prep, did not show a protective effect on heterosexual women.
In May, a clinical trial conducted in nine countries, 1763 for couples, mostly heterosexual, found that when couples who take antiretrovirals in HIV-positive husband at an early stage of disease, the risk of infection to his partner life fall by 96%.
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